This book from 2002 (M. Murray et al.) taught me that I should be a millionaire if I want to use natural means against cancer. Also there is not enough time in the day to take all of the pills and stuff. Granted, I'd love to try these guys' methods if $ and time permitted.
It's still a worthwhile book as I did learn:
Pre cancer surgery, take Modified Citrus Pectin (wish I had known).
If salt, sugar, or fat are listed in the first 3 ingredients of a product it =NFG.
Don't just eat salmon (Alaskan wild caught). Halibut is also worthy.
Do your Tai chi even if it is rudimentary.
Post surgery, Lactobacillus rhamnosus is most important. Generally, for maintenance, L. acidophilus and B. bifidum.
Post surgery, Gotu Kola helps prevent adhesions (I sure could have used this information. Adhesions were a big problem).
Here's how to do your own hydrotherapy in your shower=5 minutes hot, 20-30 seconds cold, 1-2 minutes hot, 20-30 seconds cold, 1-2 minutes hot, 5-30 seconds cold. Obviously, too much discomfort demands editing until one is used to the temperature changes.
One's gut can break down products eaten by putrefaction or fermentation. The former process will cause disease.
I should have been taking whey protein many years ago. Same with proteolytic enzymes. They fit my symptoms perfectly. Do not take p. enzymes 2-3 days before or after surgery. (Finally I have some Zymactive ordered, 15 years too late.)
A small d prefix indicates a natural product. For instance Calcium d-glucarate is good, dl-glucarate would be artificial.
Antioxidants zinc, vitamin E, vitamin C, selenium are to be taken together for efficient results.
Anyway, a not too hard read for laymen. The gist can be gotten. The authors forgot to enclose a check in the book though. The appendix sections in the back of the book are great. The recipes aren't.
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